I was in the mall shopping with my youngest daughter and her friends. They were looking for tutus. Of course, we didn’t find any because I’m not quite sure where they are sold. I think you can probably find them in a costume store. I guess wearing tutus over leggings is a style for them. What did I do? Made one. How cute!Continue Reading
Make Your Own Towel Wrap
Took a little time out of my day to make a towel wrap for my daughter. I made her one because she seems to stay in her towel forever after she takes a shower. Plus, towel wraps can be so cute if you make your own. You can pick the color you really like and decorate it with the ribbons of your choice. It requires some sewing but not too much.Continue Reading
Make Your Own Pencil Pouch
My oldest child needs an extra large pencil pouch for carrying her stuff to school. The amount of supplies that are needed by kids today is so outrageous. I don’t even try to purchase a small size pouch for her. Normally, I would buy a money
bag for her to use as a pouch. However, this year, I decided to make one. It turned out nicely. It’s been awhile since I’ve messed with a zipper, but I made it work. Plus, I used old place mats to make the pouch….saving money anyway I can.
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